10 Foods That Boost The Immune System

Hi Everyone!! This article will share 10 Foods That Boost The Immune System.

Our immune system defends our body against pathogens so, it is important to keep it healthy. In my previous post, I shared with you some ways to boost immune system so, you can check that post. In this article, I will be sharing with you certain foods that can help to keep your immune system strong. So, include these immune system boosters in your diet.

10 Foods That Boost The Immune System

1. Citrus Fruits

Foods That Boost The Immune System - Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C which is one of the most potent antioxidants that help to strengthen our body’s natural defenses. It helps to boost our immune system by protecting cells from free radicals that are responsible for many chronic diseases. So, citrus fruits like oranges, guava, kiwi, grapefruit, lemons, etc. should be included in your diet to increase your immunity.

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2. Green-Leafy Vegetables

Green Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables such as spinach contain many essential nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, etc. Vitamin C & E support our immune system and flavonoids help in the prevention of common cold. Rich in beta-carotene, spinach, fenugreek leaves, lettuce, etc. play a very important role in reducing airway inflammation thereby reducing the chances of causing asthma and other respiratory problems.

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3. Ginger


Next, on the list of foods that boost the immune system is Gingeror Adrak – a very common ingredient found in the kitchen. It is one of the most treasured medicines in Ayurveda. It has taken a very important place not only in kitchens to be used as a spice but also in medicine because of its strong and spicy aroma. I always take ginger tea to treat my cold and flu. Ginger is available in various forms such as fresh ginger, dried, powdered, in the form of juice or pickled. It is an extremely rich source of antioxidants that help in reducing oxidative stress.

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4. Broccoli

Foods That Boost The Immune System - Broccoli

Add broccoli to your diet to support immune system health. It is found that people who consume broccoli defecated toxins associated with air pollution. Broccoli contains sulforaphane – an anti-carcinogenic compound that helps to expel higher levels of a carcinogen known as benzene. The presence of vitamin C in it helps to strengthen our immune system. Broccoli contains beta-carotene as well.

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5. Turmeric


Turmeric is one of the healthiest and important ingredients on Earth. It has anti-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that support immune health. It offers protection to the lungs from the toxic effects of pollutants. I still remember my grandmother used to give me and my brother warm milk having turmeric in it as turmeric is known for its wound-healing ability.

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6. Nuts & Seeds

Next, on the list of foods that boost the immune system are nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds like chia seeds, walnuts, flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids that are effective in reducing and managing airway inflammation as well as the reactivity of the immune system.

7. Tulsi

Foods That Boost The Immune System - Tulsi

Tulsi has anti-flu property and it helps in improving the defence mechanism of our body. It can increase our body’s resistance and thus lowers the chances of contracting the flu. Tulsi can treat sore throat easily.

8. Tomatoes


Include fresh tomatoes to your diet rather than in cooked dishes or processed foods. These are a rich source of lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamin C that help in reducing airway inflammation and other respiratory problems. They help to keep free radicals level in balance and slow down lung aging.

9. Red Bell Peppers

Red Bell Peppers

Are you aware of the fact that red bell peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as citrus fruits? As shared above, vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps to strengthen our body’s natural defenses and boosts our immune system by protecting cells from free radicals. Moreover, red bell pepper is an excellent alternative source of vitamin C for those who are trying to avoid the sugar in fruit.

10. Garlic

Foods That Boost The Immune System - Garlic

The aroma of roasted garlic is so captivating that it is often used in curries, pastas and pizza-toppings. Not only does it adds to the flavor of the dishes but it also has various health benefiting properties. It is known to boost the function of the immune system and can provide you relief from the stubborn cold and flu.

So, these were 10 foods that can help to boost the immune system.

10 Foods That Boost The Immune System

Review Description

This article shares 10 Foods That Boost The Immune System. Include these in your diet to keep your immune system strong & stay healthy.

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