5 Homemade Eye Packs To Reduce Dark Circles

Hi Everyone!! This article will share 5 Homemade Eye Packs To Reduce Dark Circles.

Dark circles under the eyes can completely spoil your appearance and shatter your self-esteem. These can occur due to various reasons such as aging, lack of sleep, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, pregnancy, nutritional deficiencies, liver problems, and hereditary factors.

The skin underneath our eyes is very delicate and is a lot thinner than most parts of our body. The veins that are present underneath our eyes are very close to the surface of the skin causing a bluish or darker shade. This is why this area looks darker.

Market is flooded with under eye creams that claim to reduce dark circles. However, you really don’t need to be dependent on such creams and need not spend your hard-earned money as there are some homemade eye packs that can help you to reduce dark circles under your eyes.

Homemade Eye Packs To Reduce Dark Circles

1. Milk & Turmeric Eye Pack

Material Required

  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • A pinch of turmeric powder

What All You Have To Do

  • Take a clean bowl and mix all the ingredients well.
  • Now, saturate two halves of a cotton round with this mixture and keep it on your under eye area.
  • Make sure the area is properly covered and let it stay for 15 minutes and then wash it off.

Benefits Of Milk & Turmeric

Milk – a commonly found ingredient in every kitchen not only offers health benefits but also serves many beauty benefits. The lactic acid present in milk helps to reduce darkness and puffiness around the eyes.

Turmeric helps in lightening pigmentation, minimizing UV damage, reducing wrinkles and breakouts.

In one of my previous posts, I have shared Benefits Of Honey For Skin & Hair so, you can check that post as well.

Must Read: Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes With Essential Oils

2. Aloe Vera & Vitamin E

Aloe Vera Gel

Next, on the list of homemade eye packs to reduce dark circles is aloe vera & vitamin E pack.

Material Required

  • 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel
  • 1 Vitamin E capsule

What All You Have To Do

  • In a clean bowl, take aloe vera gel and now, pierce vitamin E capsule and empty its contents into the gel.
  • Mix both the ingredients well until you get a whitish creamy texture.
  • Apply this mixture to your under area and give a little massage with light hands. There is no need to rinse it off.

Benefits Of Aloe vera & Vitamin E

Aloe vera is miracle plant that serves many benefits to our skin, hair and health. To know the benefits in detail go through the article – Benefits Of Aloe Vera. I have also shared the Benefits Of Vitamin E For Skin so, make sure to check that post as well.

The combination of aloe vera gel and vitamin E works effectively in keeping the area under the eyes moisturized and helps in reducing dark circles.

Must Read: Benefits Of Rose Water For Eyes

3. Potato & Mint Homemade Eye Pack To Reduce Dark Circles

Homemade Eye Packs To Reduce Dark Circles With Potato

Material Required

  • 1 potato (raw)
  • 5-6 mint leaves
  • 2 cotton pads/balls

What All You Have To Do

  • Take a medium-sized potato. Wash it properly and remove the skin.
  • Blend the potato and the mint together. You can also add a little water to thin the mixture.
  • Sieve the mixture and extract the juice in a clean bowl.
  • Soak two cotton pads/balls (one for each eye) in the juice.
  • Place the soaked cotton balls on the dark circles. Ensure that the dark area is covered entirely.
  • After 10-15 minutes, remove and wash your eyes with cold water.

Benefits Of Potato & Mint

Potatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, starch and enzymes that help to nourish the skin under eyes and prevent dark circles. Moreover, the bleaching properties of potatoes help to lighten skin. Potato also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps in reducing puffiness and swelling under our eyes. In one of my previous posts, I have also shared Best Potato Face Packs For Glowing, Clear and Smooth Skin so, don’t forget to check that post!!

Mint leaves contain vitamin C and have the ability to treat dark circles and improve skin health. 

4. Coffee & Honey

Coffee Powder

Material Required

  • 1 tablespoon coffee powder
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • One vitamin E capsule

What All You Have To Do

  • In a clean bowl, mix coffee powder and honey together.
  • Now, add vitamin E oil and mix all the ingredients well.
  • Apply this mixture to your under eye area with the help of a brush and let it sit for 15 minutes and then remove it with a moist cotton pad.

Benefits Of Coffee & Honey

Coffee helps to reduce wrinkles and puffiness and also helps with inflammation.

Honey has antibacterial properties and can prevent wrinkles and fine lines. To know its benefits in detail go through the post – Benefits Of Honey For Skin & Hair.

5. Rosehip Oil & Green Tea

Homemade Eye Packs To Reduce Dark Circles With Rosehip Oil

Furthermore, on the list of homemade eye packs to reduce dark circles is a combination of rosehip oil and green tea.

Material Required

  • 2 green tea bags
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • A few drops of rosehip oil

What All You Have To Do

  • First, you need to steep the green tea and allow it to cool down.
  • Now, add a few drops of rosehip oil into it.
  • Saturate two halves of a cotton round with this mixture and keep it on your under eye area.
  • Make sure the area is properly covered and let it stay for 15 minutes and then wash it off.

Benefits Of Green Tea & Rosehip oil

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and tannins thereby helping in reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness.

To know rosehip benefits in detail, go through the post – Benefits Of Rosehip Oil For Skin & Hair

So, these were 5 homemade eye packs to reduce dark circles. These are quite easy to prepare so, apply these and check which one works the best for you.

5 Homemade Eye Packs To Reduce Dark Circles

Review Description

This article will share 5 Homemade Eye Packs To Reduce Dark Circles that are easy yo make. Try these & see which one works the best for you.

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