Amazing Benefits Of Olive Oil For Health

Hi Everyone!! This article shares some amazing benefits of olive oil for health.

A wonderful secret of many Mediterranean recipes, derived from olives, olive oil is widely recognised as one of the world’s healthiest and favourite oils. With its distinct pungent flavor, olive oil adds charm to many dishes and health & culinary circuits cannot stop raving about its benefits. The oil not only serves health benefits but it is an all-rounder oil that also packs a bevy of skin, hair and beauty benefits too. In this article, we will be looking at its health benefits.

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Health

1. Source Of Good Cholesterol

Consumption of olive oil can help in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in our body. This is because the oil contains minimum levels of saturated and polyunsaturated fats. It also helps in promoting the flow of High-Density lipoproteins also called the good cholesterol that helps in lowering the risks of heart diseases.

2. Aids Weight Loss

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Health - Weight Loss

If you are looking for shedding some extra pounds then, switch to extra virgin oil. Extra virgin oil is said to be the best quality olive oil as it is unrefined and unprocessed and contains a higher concentration of natural vitamins and minerals. Packed with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), olive oil helps in promoting the feeling of satiety, keeps blood levels stable & also helps in keeping the heart healthy thereby assisting in weight loss.

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3. Source Of Anti-oxidants

Next, on the list of amazing benefits of olive oil for health is that it is a good source of antioxidants. It contains some powerful antioxidants such as vitamin E, carotenoids and phenolic compounds that help in lowering the creation of damaging free radicals in the body. They also offer protection from blood lipid oxidation, have anti-carcinogenic potential, oxidative stress resistance, fight inflammation and may reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

4. Strengthens Bones

We all know that calcium is responsible for maintaining good bone health. However, there is one more ingredient that contributes to this field and that is olive oil. The consumption of olive oil helps in improving bone mineralization and calcification thereby preventing osteoporosis.

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5. Helps To Prevent Diabetes

Furthermore, on the list of amazing benefits of olive oil for health is that it can help in keeping blood sugar levels under control. Extra virgin olive oil is low in saturated fats and contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates that further helps in regulating blood sugar levels and also improves insulin sensitivity.

6. May Treat Depression

A diet rich in olive oil helps in increasing the levels of serotonin – the happiness hormone. Olive oil acts as an anti-depressant and offers protection from mental illness & depression.

7. Prevents High Blood Pressure

One of the amazing benefits of olive oil for health is that it contains monounsaturated fats that help in lowering blood pressure thereby keeping the heart-healthy.

8. May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Using olive oil in cooking may help in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Olive oil contains anti-oxidants that help in reducing oxidative damage which is believed to be cancer-causing.

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9. Good For Digestion 

Benefits Of Olive Oil For Health - Better Digestion

Another one on the list of amazing benefits of olive oil for health is that it helps in making the food move smoothly through the colon. It helps in better mobility of food, speeds up bowel movement thereby preventing constipation.

10. Improves Health Of Nails

Soaking Of Nails

Olive oil can help the nails to grow. It is a rich source of vitamin E, gets absorbed quickly and is extremely moisturizing which makes it an excellent choice for nail growth. Olive oil also helps in softening of cuticles. All you need to do is soak your nails in olive oil for 10-15 minutes once a week to get the full benefits.

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11. Relieves Pain

Olive oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of a compound in it called Oleocanthal. This property makes it an excellent pain reliever be it externally or internally.

These were some amazing benefits of olive oil for health. Olive oil is truly amazing so, you should definitely consider adding into your diet.

Amazing Benefits Of Olive Oil For Health

Review Description

This article some amazing benefits of olive oil for health. Olive oil is truly amazing so, you should consider adding into your diet.

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