How To Clean Eyeglasses or Sunglasses

Hi Everyone!! This article will share How To Clean Eyeglasses or Sunglasses.

Those who wear eyeglasses or sunglasses must be knowing that it is quite irritating to have dirt, grit, or grease stuck on the lenses. With daily wear, eyeglass lenses easily become dirty and there is nothing worse than a distracting smudge stamped right in the middle of the lenses. Moreover, it causes eye strain and headaches. Furthermore, on dirty nose pads and ear clips of eyeglasses, bacteria can grow leading to infections and other skin issues. The spread of pandemic has made us so cautious that we are frequently washing our hands, wiping down the countertops, etc. however, there is one more thing that needs our attention and you might want to add to your “daily disinfecting” list – Your Eyeglasses or Sunglasses. It is important to clean and sanitize your glasses on a regular basis to see clearer and be less prone to infections. If you are interested in knowing some effective Ways To Disinfect The Beauty Products then, make sure to go through this post as well.

How To Clean Eyeglasses or Sunglasses

1. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly

Washing Hands

Before cleaning your eyeglasses, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with lotion-free soap and warm water. It is important to make your hands free of dirt, grease and grime so as to prevent their transfer to your lenses.

2. Run Your Glasses Under Lukewarm Water

Doing this will help to remove dust and grime and will help avoid scratching while cleaning them. Keep in mind not to use hot water as it can damage lens coatings thereby decreasing their lifespan. 

3. Pick A Simple Kitchen Dish Soap

The third step in learning how to clean eyeglasses or sunglasses is to lather them with dish soap using your fingertips. Make sure that the dish soap is lotion-free. Add a small drop of dish soap to each lens and with your fingertips, make gentle circular motions to lather the soap around the frame, over both sides of your lenses and down each earpiece.

4. Rinse Away Soap

Hold the glasses under running water again to rinse away soap and get ready for everything to look much clearer! Ensure that all the soapy residue is rinsed off otherwise it will cause smudges.

5. Give Your Glasses A Careful Shake

Turn off water and shake off excess water from your glasses. Inspect the frame and if you still see some smudges, dirt or oil on the lenses then, repeat the steps.

6. Dry Your Glasses

Take a clean microfiber cloth and fold it over both sides of a lens. With your fingertips, make soft circular motions to dry the lenses. Wipe the nose pads, earpieces and the frame properly.

How To Clean Eyeglasses or Sunglasses On The Go

7. Use Eyeglass Cleaner

How To Clean Eyeglasses or Sunglasses with Zeiss Lenses Cleaner
Zeiss Lenses Cleaner

Eyeglass cleaners are available at eyewear retailers and pharmacies so, if you are on the go and can’t get to a sink and dish soap then, you can use these cleaners. Simply spray your glasses with the cleaner and wipe it away with a microfiber cloth.

8. Disposable Eyeglass Wet Wipes

Zeiss Pre-Moistened Lens Cleaning Wipes For Spectacles
Zeiss Pre-Moistened Lens Cleaning Wipes For Spectacles

While on the go, you can also use disposable wet wipes that are specially meant for cleaning eyewear. Simply blow on the lenses to remove dust and dirt and with a wet wipe, rub the lenses gently. Dry them with a microfiber cloth after cleaning them.

So, this was all about how to clean eyeglasses or sunglasses. Follow these steps to avoid damaging the extra set of eyes you depend on.

How To Clean Eyeglasses or Sunglasses

Review Description

This article shares How To Clean Eyeglasses or Sunglasses. Follow these steps to avoid damaging the extra set of eyes you depend on.

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